Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I am going to introduce my family to you!  This post is sharing my son David, his wife Jess, and their son JP (John Patrick—after both grandpas).  David is our oldest and he always wanted to be a cowboy.  He received is BS and Masters Degree at Colorado State University.  David and Jess love the Lord

The Oscar Myer Hot Dog van recently visited the Ranch – JP had a great time checking it out.  He got a whistle and a stuffed Oscar Meyer Van

David and family live on a dude ranch near Burnsville, NC where David is the barn manager.  Jp loves the outdoors and especially the horses but wants Dad to get some chickens too. 

David and Jess were married at the dude ranch David had in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado a few years ago

Due to the poor economy they gave up being in the dude ranch business on their own and went to work at Clear Creek Ranch.
One of the fun things they enjoy doing is reenactments or shows for the guests

And the whole family participates.
David and Jess are expecting a new addition to the family in June.  Guess I need to visit North Carolina this summer!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Healthier ME

2012 – A Healthier Year for ME!!!
One of the accomplishments I am working on for 2012 is a Healthier Me and to lose a pound a week until my birthday (or until I reach desired weight).  To put in more bluntly I have gone from pleasantly plump to fat! UG UG UG !  How did that happen.  I remember being a size 3 after my 3rd baby.  Maybe it was working nights at the hospital and all the cokes and candy bars that helped me stay awake.  Or perhaps when I worked as a newspaper distributor it was the donuts I ate or Burger King cini minis that I ate when delivering papers to the carriers, or maybe the over 50 bulge!  lol.  Whatever started the spiral upward it is to stop and go backwards! 
Well I started to actively try to lose a few pounds (aiming toward a pound a week) in February and I am proud to say that I have exceeded my goal so far and have lost 12 pounds!  YEA!!!  Of course being sick might have actually started this downward climb?
First I bought a new scale.  It does all kinds of fancy things but mainly I wanted an accurate scale with a digital print out that I could see over all of my excess pounds. 
Then I started to watch my calories – making myself wait to eat breakfast until closer to 9 a.m. even though I am up by 6, Change that to only one piece of toast, going whole grain, more fruits and adding more vegetables to my diet (my Mom didn’t make me eat veggies and I am still learning to add some to my likes now. ), making portions much smaller and no snacks in the evening.  In addition I have been making sure to drink lots of water so it makes me stay full and limiting other types of drinks.. 
Next, I am going to add exercise to my daily agenda but have had to wait because the first week in February my asthma flared and I spent a couple of nights in the hospital.  Almost well enough but now have another respiratory infection.  Lol.
I have figured out several snacks that I can eat mid morning and mid afternoon that are healthy and I like plus they make me feel as though I am really eating things I like.  So far I snack on apples, bananas, peanuts, cheese sticks and occasionally a scoop of ice cream.  Jell-O is another low cal snack.  To keep my heart healthy and happy I have found that I can eat 3 dark chocolate hearts for 120 calories.  My biggest indulgence while cutting calories.   Lunch is usually half a grilled chicken breast and a salad. 
Have any of you reached your goals or resolutions set in January?